
Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP) was established in 2009 as a private company limited by guarantee with charitable objects.

CUHP’s constitutional documents have been drafted in compliance with charity law and guidance of the Charity Commission. CUHP complies with statutory duties under the Companies Act 2006.

The Board of Directors

The Board sets and drives the vision and strategy for CUHP.

It is independently chaired by Laurel Powers-Freeling and includes:

  • The Chairs and Chief Executives of the three Foundation Trusts within the partnership (Cambridge University Hospitals, Royal Papworth Hospital and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trusts)
  • The Vice-Chancellor and an appropriate Pro-Vice-Chancellor of both the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University
  • The Regius Professor of Physic of the University of Cambridge
  • Several Non-Executive Directors

The role of the Board is to be accountable for ensuring that company risks, legal responsibilities and resources are managed effectively. The Board is supported by the Executive Group and the Management Office. It also establishes committees for specific activities.

Our Board meets three to four times per year.

The Executive Group

The Executive Group of CUHP reports to the CUHP Board. It provides oversight for the operational implementation of the CUHP strategy.

The Management Office

The Management Office is responsible for managing and co-ordinating the work of CUHP and undertaking specific activities as director by the board.

CUHP Contacts Database

CUHP keeps contacts in line with our data protection policy.