Opportunities Hub Proposal

Cambridge has a problem. The potentially world-changing ideas being generated every day are outpacing the number of talented people needed to support them.  

That is why, in collaboration with multiple partners including Innovate Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge City Council, the Greater Cambridge Partnership and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, we are proposing an ‘Opportunities Hub’ that first analyses employment data to identify the skills gaps holding organisations back, and then works with local partners to design the outreach programmes, training schemes and educational courses that will provide a pipeline of talent to fill those gaps.  

Working with these local partners is critical to success. We want to join forces to complement and boost their work, as well as adding our own schemes in skills areas they are not currently covering, including a programme to help smaller businesses take on an apprentice with reduced risk and red tape. 

Email us at comms@cuhp.org.uk if you would like to see the full proposal.